Прамова Мітрапаліта Кандрусевіча на пасяджэнні Рады Біскупскіх Канферэнцый Еўропы |
40-е Пленарнае пасяджэнне ССЕЕ: «Дэмаграфія і сям’я ў Еўропе» Загрэб (Харватыя), 1 кастрычніка 2010 г. State of family and demographic situation in Byelorussia can be described as “crisis” and “tragedy for the Nation”. Although it sounds ironically, but this process basically coincides with the social-political changes of the beginning of the 90-th of the last century and as a consequence with influence of Western liberalism. Society, which for 70 years lived without normal religious practice and religious education is very easy affected by spirit of secularism. Having a lot of problems, thanks God Byelorussia doesn’t have problem of homosexual unions. But on the other hand, process of artificial fecundation is developing very quickly. The last statistic data shows that for 1000 marriages there are 499 divorces. It’s tragedy not only for man and woman, but also for children who are suffering. In such situation rises a question: who is going to educate them? There is only one answer: street! They are potential criminals, troublemakers, draggers, drinkers and so on. The principal cause of demographic crisis is abortion, which in Byelorussia is legally on the request of woman till 12-th week of pregnancy, and even till 22-nd week in so called social-medical difficulty of pregnant woman. It’s needed to underline, that girls less than 18 years old make about 10% of abortion. The second reason is tendency of contemporary Byelorussian family to have one, not often – two, and very rare – three or more children. At present time in Byelorussia there are 9 births and 14 deaths for 1000 inhabitants. Consequently for last 14 years the population of Byelorussia is diminished for 600 thousands people and at present time consists of 9 millions and 664 thousands. Having in mind such very serious situation Byelorussian Government in the year 2002 approved special Demographic security program, basically promoting tradition family values and assisting materially. Religions also intensified their efforts to defense family values and unborn life. And really it a little bit helped. If in 1995 for 100 births there were 184 abortions, in the year 2000 there were 123, in the year 2005 – 80, and at present time – 38. So during last 15 years the rate of abortion in Byelorussia is decreased 5 times. Recently the President of our country proposed for families with three children apartment for 25% of total coast or even for free. It’s believed that such step can stimulate rising of birth rate. Recovering after the three generations of persecution Catholic Church takes active part in overcoming family and demographic crisis. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Byelorussia every year prepares two pastoral letters on the subject: for the Solemnity of the Holy Family – a Letter to families, and for the Feast of the Annunciation – a Letter defending life. Every year in one of Mary Sanctuary’s Bishop’s Conference organizes nation wide meeting of families. Now it’s paid big attention for organization of family consulting offices in our parishes. We consider it very important for preparation for sacrament of marriage as well as for prevention of abortion. And it really works. We promote very much “Pro life” movement. Representatives of the Catholic Church visits abort clinics and speak with those women who are going to make abort. In this way a lot of unborn lives were saved. In hers activity to promote dignity of family and to defend life, and in this way to change demographic situation, the Catholic Church is in close cooperation with the other Christians, first of all with the Orthodox Church, with which in Byelorussia we have really very good fraternal relations of mutual understanding and help. Together we are organizing conferences, preparation of specialists, making appeals to defend life as the most precious gift of God and dignity of family and so on. Doing these and many other things some visible results have been achieved, but still it’s not enough. It’s need to unite forces of the Church and society to resolve the problem of crisis of traditional family and demography. We need help and experience of other countries due do not make mistakes. I do hope and pray the Almighty God that this Plenary session of Council of Bishop’s Conference of Europe will help to awake Europe from lethargy slip and the Old continent will be old by his history, but not by its population, and will defend dignity of family and life. The Servant of God John Paul II visiting the United States in 1993 told: America, if you wish to be great, defend life. The same have to do Europe if it wishes to be great. Thank you for your attention. |
Адноўлена 01.10.2010 15:38 |