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Гамілія Мітрапаліта Тадэвуша Кандрусевіча на Імшы ў гонар Маці Божай Нястомнай Дапамогі (Англія)

Mary is our protector

Mass in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
English Martyrs Church, York. February 8, 2014

1. Your Excellency Bishop of Middlesbrough, brothers in the  priesthood, sisters and brothers in Christ!

First of all let me express my deep gratitude to the Church of Middlesbrough and her Pastor H.E. Terence Patrick Drainey for inviting me. It’s a great honour and privilege for me, as a representative of Belarus – a country were religion was persecuted for three generations – to preside at the Holy Eucharist here in English Martyrs church.

Martyrs are a very important witness of faith. They conferred it by shedding their blood and giving up their life for Christ and the Church. Their voices are heard throughout the ages and invite us to be true to our faith.   

2. Today we commemorate Mary as Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Among the many different titles of Mary, the title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is perhaps the most well known because Mary is our heavenly Mother, who always remembers us, as her spiritual children and always helps us.

The history of Christianity proves this very well. The first miracle in Cana in Galilee, Jesus performed at the request of His Mother. The Fathers of the Church state that Mary was physically or morally present  when Jesus was performing His miracles.

3. I come to you from Belarus, which is one of the former Soviet Republics, where religion was persecuted for 70 years. But in the same year 1917, when the Bolshevik revolution happened, Mary appeared in Fatima to the three shepherds and revealed to them God’s plan regarding Russia.

During numerous apparitions through them she called people to prayer and conversion. Knowing that they would not obey this appeal, she predicted the development of the history of Russia and the world. She forecast the end of the First World War, the persecution of the Church and the most tragic consequences in the history of humanity – the second World War. Predicting these events, at the same time she gave hope saying: “Finally my Immaculate Heart triumphs and Russia will be converted”.

These words of Our Lady gave courage, strength and hope to the people of the former Soviet Union as well as the entire world.

The people of the former Soviet Empire and other atheistic countries entrusted their future in to the hands of Our Lady and they didn’t make a mistake.

4. Let me remind you, of some Marian events, which prove the  maternal custody of Our Lady over the world and especially over Russia. These events changed the world.

Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1984 dedicated the entire world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And suddenly remarkable changes happened in the former USSR. A new man became the leader of the Kremlin – Michael Gorbachov, still a communist, but an open minded man. He initiated the policy of perestroika and glasnost’, what means rebuilding and openness.

Consequently in 1988 the Russian Orthodox Church very solemnly celebrated the Millennium of Baptism. It was a very remarkable event, which very much influenced the situation of different religious organisations and religious freedom in the former Soviet Union.

Later on December 1, 1989 the Holy Father John Paul II received in a private audience Michael Gorbachov. It was a turning point regarding religious freedom in the former USSR. Soon after, new laws on religion were approved. New Bishops and Dioceses were established.

But the devil didn’t sleep. On August 19, 1991 a coup d’etat was organised and in Moscow a state of emergency was announced. It seemed that all efforts to change the political system from an authoritarian model to a democracy had fallen.

Against such a tragic situation Mary once more showed her powerful intercession. The Coup d’etat fell on August 22nd, the day when the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady Queen of Heaven.

Let us move forward. On December 8, 1991 the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine signed an agreement for the dissolution of the Soviet Union. I do not believe they understood the meaning of that day. December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. But in Fatima Our Lady said: “My Immaculate Heart triumphs and Russia will be converted”.

We are witnesses to the process of conversion. It’s not an easy process, but it’s going on. God once more shows us, that He can write directly on the twisted lines of history and He puts the last dot above the letter “i”.   

5. The Prophesy of Fatima has been fulfilled, all its secrets have been revealed, and a new question has arisen. Namely, is this prophesy still actual? The answer – Yes, it is.

I had a privilege to meet Sister Lucia, one of Fatima’s shepherds, and once she told that the word “Russia” from the prophesy of Fatima must be understood as the whole world, because sin has no nationality and the modern world is in a great need of conversion.

Mary in Fatima asked for prayer and conversion for the good of people.

If we want to build a new civilisation of life and love, we have to pray and convert. This is demand of Christ, repeated by Our Lady in Fatima and that it is why it is always constant.

By prayer and conversion we approach God and renew our spiritual life. But very often we forget about it. People today rely more on themselves than on God. It’s not the right way, because life without God leads to disaster.    

6. There is one interesting story I wish to share with you.

Under a tree sits a rabbit writing something. A fox comes and asks the rabbit: “What are you doing?” “Writing my doctorate thesis” – responds the rabbit. “Oh, very interesting. What is the topic?” – asks the fox. “Haw a rabbit eats a fox” – answers the rabbit. “Incredible” – says the fox. ”Credible” – says the rabbit and guides the fox into forest.

The rabbit comes back alone and continues writing.

Then a wolf comes and asks the same question. The rabbit responds in the same way saying that the topic of the doctorate is  “How a  rabbit eats a wolf”. The wolf responds, that is not possible.

The rabbit brings the wolf into the forest, returns alone and continues writing.

Then a bear comes. Questions and responses are repeated. But in this case the rabbit says that the topic of the doctorate is: “How a rabbit eats a bear”. The bear responds that it’s crazy.

The rabbit takes the bear into the forest and leads it to a lion. There is a large amount of bones before the happy and satisfied king of animals. The rabbit says: “It doesn’t matter about the topic of the doctorate; everything depends on a scientific promoter”.

Throughout our lives we have to prepare ourselves to receive a most precious reward – the crown of sanctity. And our spiritual promoter is Jesus Christ. If we don’t know how to reach Him, ask Mary. She is the most secure way to Her Son.        

So let us entrust ourselves to Mary, as Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and she will lead us to Jesus, who is our unique Saviour yesterday, today and forever. Amen.         


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